An Idiots Guide to Fuji X-E1

    There are many reviews for the Fuji X-E1 out there and all of them I've read seem to be on the technical side, so here is a review  dumbed down for the rest of us. 

This camera rocks period. You can use all the custom settings and take pictures this way and that or just put it on auto pilot and still take good photos. So auto auto auto and take pics and when you feel froggy!  Jump right in and adjust a setting or two and learn something. By the way I'm still learning.

Why is it smaller than my DSLR?     no mirror duh! 
Why isn't it compact?      Takes space to put professional features in a camera. 
Whats a EVF?      Electronic view finder, you look into the hole on back and see what lens sees. 
Is the EVF good?      Better than my TV
Whats it made of, build quality etc?      Don't know don't care just don't drop it. 

All cameras break if you drop them from a distance high enough to break shit. 

Will I take good pictures with it?       Not if you don't take good pictures now
Any color other than black?       No only black the silver ones are unfinished
What are those knobs and buttons for?     Convenience you set different settings easily
Why doesn't it have a lens?       Cause you forgot to buy one, but don't worry a few to choose from
Heard it doesn't  focus good.      Yeah I hear that too, its good enough for me and manual focus is easy
Do I need an expensive editing program?  Nope use iphoto if you have apple or photoshop elements 

If you have money to burn buy the expensive stuff. OR better yet send to my paypal account

Can I use LCD to take pictures?  Yes but why? 

Anyway I love my camera buy one you will love it too, if not send to me I want a second body. Maybe one of them unfinished ones. 

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